Friday, September 25, 2015

Buoy Texturing Final

I attempted to make it look like it's wet from the ocean.

AO, Normal Map, Diffuse Map, and Specular Map.
Textured in Substance Painter

Creature Sculpting Final

Original sculpt by Aris Kolokontes.

Practicing poly painting.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Progress on Finals

Work in progresses for Character Design and Lighting and Texture. Both ideas are not mine. The buoy was made by Joseph Gardner. The creature sculpt was created by Aris Kolokontes.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Object and Tangent Space Normal Maps

Using the buoy from last week I mapped out the different types of normal maps.
 Tangent Space Normal Map
Object Space Normal Map

Friday, September 4, 2015

Buoy Normal Maps and AO Maps

 Normal Map from Maya
Normal Map in Modo

AO Map in Modo

The model that I used was created by Joe Gardner.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Schematic for Rough Plastic

There were a few complications when I was trying to make rough plastic, but most of what I need is there. I strangely could not expose the shading rate for the shader and crumpled layer enabled channel as user channel on group. It did however let me do that with the material diffuse color and the reflection rays.